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Become a Responsibly Armed
American Citizen

At Concealed Coalition, our purpose is to empower people to protect what matters most.

People who love their freedom and family trust us to give them the education, training, and support they need to live with confidence in a dangerous world.

Every day we open minds through digital learning and extinguish fear through hands-on training experiences. We have become THE nationwide authority for concealed carry permit & defensive living training. 

Join the Coalition Today...
We have changed the world of concealed carry permit certification by delivering an emotional, entertaining, and informative hands-on concealed carry training experience both online and in our 2,300+ in-person training classes held each year across the US. 

We run classes every week through our network of first-class certified trainers and our nationwide firearms range alliance.

Become a Responsibly Armed
American Citizen

At Concealed Coalition, our purpose, is to empower people to protect what matters most.

People who love their freedom and family trust us to give them the education, training, and support they need to live with confidence in a dangerous world.

Every day we open minds through digital learning and extinguish fear through hands-on training experiences. We have become THE nationwide authority for concealed carry permit & defensive living training. 

Join the Coalition Today...
We have changed the world of concealed carry permit certification by delivering an emotional, entertaining, and informative hands-on concealed carry training experience both online and in our 2,300+ in-person training classes held each year across the US. 

We run classes every week through our network of first-class certified trainers and our nationwide firearms range alliance.

Get Your FREE Concealed Carry Permit Training Today When You Join The Coalition!

+++ Enjoy exclusive member-only access to all our training! +++


30+ years of proven defensive living skills packed into 9 highly entertaining learning experiences to make you your own first responder!


Become a master at self-protection and defending those important to you from threats. Learn the secrets used by law enforcement and the FBI.

Concealed Carry Permit Training

Join us at a location near you for an unforgettable concealed carry training event. Get certified to carry concealed. Classes every month! 


Today Just $99 $39 to Start!
 Keep your membership and pay just $19 a month. Cancel anytime.


It's your official concealed carry permit certification. Get the official training to apply for your concealed carry permit.
It's online defensive living training taught by law enforcement veteran and celebrity trainer Austin Davis.
It's access to the members-only community that has trained over 1-million Americans nationwide.
It's your official concealed carry permit certification. Get the training to apply for your concealed carry permit.
It's online defensive living training taught by law enforcement veteran and celebrity trainer Austin Davis.
It's access to the members-only community that has trained over 1-million Americans nationwide.


Everything there is to know about self-defense.

Mental Awareness

Train your mind to read people's emotional levels and control their temperature like a professional.


Like a hostage negotiator, change the tone of a dangerous situation using skillful narrative.

Control Words

What you say and when you say it matters. Master these simple phrases to control aggressors.

Physical Dominance

Dominance over an attacker is critical for survival. Take down a full grown man in seconds regardless of your size.


Control in a gun fight is life or death. Critical control factors give you the advantage over any confrontation involving a gun.

Use of Force

Know the balance of force in any situation. Over react - go to jail. Under react - face bodily injury or death.

Normalcy Bias

Vigilance saves lives. Tune your mind into what is happening in your environment. Learn to see it coming before it arrives.

Post Incident Protocol

Where conflict arises lawyers follow. You need a criminal and civil defense attorney to prove self-defense. Choose wisely.

Home & Family

Protecting what matters most requires a well thought out plan. Build your strategy and be ready when trouble is at your door.

Training You Can Trust!



Austin Davis has over 30 years of professional self-defense training in the personal, corporate, and law enforcement arenas.

As a former professional stand-up comedian and an active police officer Austin brings both an entertaining and informative approach to survival training.

Austin holds patents on his innovative training and specializes in adult learning theory allowing students maximum retention even in short periods of learning. 

In this award winning training, Austin and his guests bring critical life saving skills to civilians for the first time ever giving you the advantage over your attacker.

Members Get Unlimited Access To Concealed Coalition University!

Learn the skills for defensive living from the comfort of your home...

  •  Learn To Read: Rise to another level of awareness of your environment.
  •  Learn To Recognize: See potential danger that is easily overlooked and be prepared BEFORE something happens.
  • Learn To React: Proper reaction to threat is a matter of life and death. Get ahead of possibly dangerous situations.
  •  Learn To Read: Rise to another level of awareness of your environment.
  •  Learn To Recognize: See potential danger that is easily overlooked and be prepared BEFORE something happens.
  • Learn To React: Proper reaction to threat is a matter of life and death. Get ahead of possibly dangerous situations.
  •  Learn To Read: Rise to another level of awareness of your environment.
  •  Learn To Recognize: See potential danger that is easily overlooked and be prepared BEFORE something happens.
  • Learn To React: Proper reaction to threat is a matter of life and death. Get ahead of possibly dangerous situations.
  •  Learn To Read: Rise to another level of awareness of your environment.
  •  Learn To Recognize: See potential danger that is easily overlooked and be prepared BEFORE something happens.
  • Learn To React: Proper reaction to threat is a matter of life and death. Get ahead of possibly dangerous situations.


Today Just $99 $39 to Start!
 Keep your membership and pay just $19 a month. Cancel anytime.

Lesson One

The repercussions of over-reacting is jail time, under-react and you die. Getting this right is not an option.

Lesson Two

Securing the scene and maintaining control of the threat in a high emotional state isn't easy. This step you just can't miss.

Lesson Three

The #1 under-trained skill in a gunfight is what to say (and what not to say) on the 911 call. Your self-defense trial starts here.

Lesson Four

Get ready for a criminal investigation and a civil suit. Having the right attorney BEFORE a self-defense shooting could save you jail time and big money.

Lesson Five

Law enforcement interaction at the scene of a crime can be tricky, especially if you're holding a gun. Know exactly how to move and react to police commands.


Training to use a firearm is easy but what you do after will change your life forever.


Things just got real. A bang... A flash... Your staring at your attacker lying on the ground. Your heart is beating out of your chest. You're shaking as adrenaline rushes through your veins. 

What next? Who do you call? What do you say? The gun fight is over but your fight for freedom has just begun. There are 5 skills you must have to win the fight after the fight.

Lesson One

The repercussions of over-reacting is jail time, under-react and you die. Getting this right is not an option.

Lesson Two

Securing the scene and maintaining control of the threat in a high emotional state isn't easy. This step you just can't miss.

Lesson Three

The #1 under-trained skill in a gunfight is what to say (and what not to say) on the 911 call. Your self-defense trial starts here.

Lesson Four

Get ready for a criminal investigation and a civil suit. Having the right attorney BEFORE a self-defense shooting could save you jail time and big money.

Lesson Five

Law enforcement interaction at the scene of a crime can be tricky, especially if you're holding a gun. Know exactly how to move and react to police commands.


Regulating heightened emotions mitigates violence and reduces risk.


Karen is angry as she approaches you in the parking lot with a stern voice, "You hit my van with your shopping cart!" Her emotions are high. She's not thinking straight. What do you say?

Anybody can fight fire with fire. Learn how the professionals disarm and de-escalate emotional people in the real world everyday. These strategies are based in science and they work.

Lesson One

Deescalation begins inside you. Use your senses to read, your mind to recognize, and react to threat with intelligence. Reducing the probability of risk is winning.

Lesson Two

Proper reaction to potential threat depends on level of risk. When our mind is in tune with our environment we tap into stored programming to avoid danger. 

Lesson Three

In a deescalation situation what we say, how we say it, and when we say it is critical to our success. Words matter, tone matters, and timing matters. Get it right. 


In self-defense between profanity and a pistol there is pepper spray.


A firearm is rarely the right tool for self-defense. Non-lethal pepper spray can save your life and spare you the drama of having to deal with using lethal force in a situation where it wasn't necessary.

Learn the type of pepper spray used by law enforcement and how/where to properly use it as a self-defense tool of choice.

Lesson One

What's in the can? Where does it come from? Is pepper spray vegan? Know what and how this defensive tool is all about. 

Lesson Two

All pepper spray is not created equal. A self-defense tool needs to work when and if the time comes to use it. Be ready.

Lesson Three

WASP Spray. What makes it different and why it may or may not be the right tool in your response to risk.

Lesson Four

What does the law say about pepper spray (OC)? Can you use it legally in self-defense situations? Know your personal liability when it comes to this tool.

Lesson Five

You don't have to be a pepper spray ninja. You do have to know distance and function of the pepper spray you will use. Don't be fumbling to react in danger.

Lesson Six

Just like any defensive tool practice is crucial for effective skill development when it comes to pepper spray. Understand the right way and put in your reps!

Lesson Seven

Pepper spray hurts but rarely kills. Understand what to do if you accidentally spray yourself or someone else unintentionally.


Ranges can be intimidating. Don't be "that guy" at the range.


What is your relationship with practice? A firearm is a tool of self defense. Knowing how to use it if or when the time comes is a must.

Visiting a range for practice? If you don't know all the rules you might feel intimidated. Range officers aren't exactly "nice" especially when your breaking the rules... Know before you go. Be safe and skip the lecture.

Lesson One

Know the right type of range for the right type of weapon and the right type of training. Understanding this gives you the foundation you need for a great experience.

Lesson Two

A range owner has certain expectations of their employees and their customers. Safety and fun are both at the top of the list. Gather valuable insights on how you can properly mix the two.

Lesson Three

Finding the right range and knowing what to bring (and how to bring it) go hand in hand. To make your range experience safe and enjoyable there are many things you must know before you go.

Lesson Four

Safety is no joke. What is your personal safety checklist? Every range has rules in place to keep you safe, some are different than others. Breaking these rules put lives in danger.

Lesson Five

Getting along with others at the range begins with knowing the best practices of practice. Proper range etiquette makes your time at the range enjoyable for both you and others. 

Lesson Six

When your firearm gives you issues it's important that you handle those issues properly. When the safety of yourself and others is at stake following pre-determined protocol is a must.

Lesson Seven

It happens. People will undoubtedly give you issues from time to time. When dealing with people issues on the range understand the importance of staying safe. 


Use your fight or flight senses to recognize threat before it escalates.


Did you see that? What's that noise? That guy looks shady... We have all triggered our awareness at some point but how do you hone in those skills?

Using your mind proactively to recognize anomalies in your environment is a critical survival skill to master. Mere seconds can be the difference between life and death.  

Lesson One

Safety begins in your subconscious mind. Awareness happens in an instant. The more environmental data you feed your brain the faster you can react to danger.    

Lesson Two

If you see it, hear it, or even sense it - believing it and taking appropriate action could save a life. Never excuse away something that doesn't seem right. 

Lesson Three

Your schema or "mental model" of the world around you is the backdrop of situational awareness in your day to day life. What's your personal mental model and how do you refine it?

Lesson Four

Situational awareness can be mastered by remembering and practicing 3 simple steps. Know each step and use them properly to avoid danger and stay safe in the face of danger.

Lesson Five

White, Yellow, Orange, or Red, these colors represent different levels of risk that require different levels of awareness. Use color code to determine the level of attention to take in any situation.

Lesson Six

The OODA loop takes your mental situational awareness into real world action to help you outmaneuver your opponent. Learn it and use it in your everyday life. 


Taking cover when facing danger will save your life.


Don't just stand there! Take cover... The difference is simple, smart self-defense is getting out of the path of danger. Sounds simple? You'll be surprised at all there is to know.

Can you find safety in the middle of chaos? It could make THE difference when the time comes.

Lesson One

The basics of concealment provide the foundation you need to reduce risk in an active shooter situation.

Lesson Two

Real cover is important to recognize. When you're in an unfamiliar place know how to find the best cover quickly. 

Lesson Three

Concealment is not just about covering up your weapon. The concept of concealment requires you to develop mental mastery. 

Lesson Four

Finding the right angle to leverage in a dangerous situation is survival. Your greatest advantage can be as simple as an angle. 

Lesson Five

When to stop, when to move, when to run... There is a time for everything that should be considered based on threat.

Lesson Six

A car can be a great place to find cover but not in every situation. Know when your vehicle is the right place to bunker down.


Creating rules to guard your loved ones is your responsibility.


A stranger is at the door. The knock gets louder. You're not home. What would your loved ones do?

The world has changed and we must be ready for anything when it comes to protecting those close to us. Get a proven plan to put into action for your family.

Lesson One

Today families are not all the same. What does your family look like and how can you keep them safe from harm? 

Lesson Two

Whats your role in your family's safety plan? Knowing your place and responsibility is foundational in any effective safety plan.

Lesson Three

What's the probability of threat? Understanding how to recognize and classify dangerous situations means gaining advantage.

Lesson Four

Do you have a plan to deal with threat inside your home? Getting everyone in the household on the same page is critical. 

Lesson Five

Not all neighbors can be trusted. Who are your neighbors? Do you know them? How do you protect your family from familiar faces?

Lesson Six

Where are the kids? Protecting your dependents when they are not with you requires a plan. Build a strategy and stick to it. 

Lesson Seven

Developing code words between you and your family can help you get ahead of escalating threat, removing risk of danger to your loved ones.

Lesson Eight

When danger lays its hands on those you love most you must take calculated action? Acting fast protects innocent lives when you know what actions to take.

Episode #8: HOME DEFENSE

A plan to protect the castle is critical when trouble comes to visit.


Home defense is the foundation of family defense. A secure home is the best deterrent for criminals looking for an easy target. What are the critical components of the best home defense plan? Find out...

Lesson One

What are the different parts of what you call "Your Home"? To protect the castle you need to know its vulnerabilities.

Lesson Two

The psychological layer of home defense is often overlooked. Find out how to develop the right plan to deal with this critical layer. 

Lesson Three

What's between you and the bad guys? Set your home up properly and deter criminals from viewing your home as a target. 

Lesson Four

When all else fails physical defense in your home may be necessary. Have a plan for defending life within your home. 

Lesson Five

What are the right tools, tactics, and timing? Things need to be visualized, thought out, and executed according to plan.

Episode #9: LOW LIGHT

Danger loves the dark. The right light could save your life.


Could the right flashlight save your life? Yes it can.

Using light to your advantage pushes the odds in your favor. Learn how to be ready for danger after dark. Get all the low light defensive secrets used by law enforcement to fight crime.

Lesson One

It's dark outside, be safe. Light can sometimes be the best defense against unknown threat. When you can't see can hurt you.

Lesson Two

So how do eyes respond to light? Understanding how light can be used to give you a visual advantage is foundational.

Lesson Three

Your brain processes light in different ways. How can you gain the mental advantage over danger in a low light environment?

Lesson Four

Shadows offer shady characters an advantage. Simply reading the light disbursement patterns allows you to avoid finding yourself in the way of danger.

Lesson Five

Technology has evolved and it's important to consider all of the proper components when choosing the right light. Not all lights are equal.

Lesson Six

Whats the right handheld flashlight for self-defense? There are many options. Follow a simple checklist to determine whats ideal for your use.

Lesson Seven

Weapon mounted lights are not just for the movies. They are also not ideal for every self-defense scenario, especially when your trying to carry concealed.

Lesson Eight

What is a laser strobe light? Does it really work, blinding a would be aggressor? Understand where a laser strobe is the right defensive tool and how its used effectively.

Lesson Nine

You don't have a gun, ok. You don't have pepper spray, ok. Learn how to use light as a tool to create opportunities for you to escape danger.

Lesson Ten

Effective low light self-defense is like everything else... it requires practice. Get the tips and shortcuts to effective low light self-defense mastery.

Lesson Eleven

Tactics used by law enforcement in low light situations give significant advantages to the police. Get a deep understanding of how you can leverage these tactics.


Our course material is used to train law enforcement, military, and professional security forces. CCU gives you the skills you need to become your own first responder!

As a certified CCU graduate you will get certificates in all 9 of our award-winning courses giving you the coveted Concealed Coalition Warrior status.


Today Just $99 $39 to Start!
 Keep your membership and pay just $19 a month. Cancel anytime.


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Meet RJ

RJ is from South Carolina. One night his life was changed by a traumatic event. He decided he needed to be equipped to deal with danger differently should it find him again...

He made a commitment to take on a defensive living lifestyle. He decided to take the training necessary to equip himself to defend his family.

"In his words, training is just like locking your door at night... "You do it just in case".


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"Nullam , in bibendum tortor venenatis. Nulla non tristique erat. Sed tincidunt iaculis ex, at consequat lectus lacinia in. Sed at nunc sit amet velit viverra rutrum. Sed laoreet sem lectus, non convallis est eleifend sit amet. est eleifend sit amet. est elei eleifend sit amet.est elei."



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Join the invite-only exclusive private community of self-defense enthusiasts and experts. The only way to get in the group is by becoming a member. Get 1 to 1 access to top defensive living trainers (including Austin Davis) and share your thoughts, questions, and experiences with the group.


Concealed Carry Certification + Online Defensive Living Training!

Concealed Coalition University + Concealed Carry Certification!

VALUE: $1,196

Home Defense Scenario Training

VALUE: $97

Advanced Protection E-Book

VALUE: $34

Monthly Training Webinar

VALUE: $97

1-Year Concealed Carry Concierge

VALUE: $49

TOTAL VALUE: $1,473.00

Today's Price: $39

 Keep your membership and pay just $19 a month. Cancel anytime.


Today Just $99 $39 to Start!
 Keep your membership and pay just $19 a month. Cancel anytime.

You got questions? We have answers.

Below are answers to our most frequently asked questions.

Is this online curriculum really used in law enforcement training?
YES! Austin Davis has been training law enforcement, security officers, and civilians for over 30 years. For the first time ever Austin has made his training curriculum available online through Concealed Coalition University. Austin is still an active police officer and uses the material in this course to train new police officers.
Does this training work for women?
YES! The CCU curriculum was designed and built to address the growing threats we face across the nation today. One of the primary topics across the entire course is dealing with assault. Many of our courses feature female actors and expert trainers specifically addressing how to best respond to danger as a woman.
Is this training good even if I don't own a gun?
YES! This masterclass in defensive living is not just for gun owners. Many of our graduates do not own or carry a firearm. The CCU curriculum was constructed to address all of the critical mental elements of training that are a vital part of self-defense. The de-escalation and pepper spray training material is used by master trainers across the U.S. in live classroom settings.
Is this an approved concealed carry training course?
YES! As a member you get your CCW training plus the training in CCU which is far more extensive than a Concealed Carry training course. Concealed Coalition DOES offer approved concealed carry training courses in all 50 states. As a member you can schedule yours for FREE. 
Today Just $99 $39 to Start!
 Keep your membership and pay just $19 a month. Cancel anytime.
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